Sometimes, the locking mechanism on my lock doesn't fully retract, making it difficult to unlock the door consistently. Can you please help?

Sometimes, the locking mechanism on my lock doesn't fully retract, making it difficult to unlock the door consistently. Can you please help?

We can provide you with some troubleshooting steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Start by checking the alignment of the lock on your door. Measure the distance from the edge of the door to the lock on both sides (x), as well as the distance from the bottom of the door (y).

  2. To test the lock's functionality, remove it from the door and see if the handle works properly. It should return to the standard 90-degree angle position.

  3. You can also conduct a test on the lock's mortise while it is removed from the door. Assemble the lock with the mortise and spindle positioned between the front and back panels. Connect the cable to power up the lock. Pull up the handle to lock the deadbolt, enter a pin or fingerprint, and then pull the handle down to check if the mortise retracts completely.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can identify and address any issues with your lock's locking mechanism.

If you continue to experience issues, please submit a support ticket, including your order number and a brief video demonstrating the problem. We would be happy to assist you.