Where can I find the Administrator Passcode (TTLock)?

Where can I find the Administrator Passcode (TTLock)?

The Administrator Passcode is the master passcode of your Smart Door Lock. This article explains how to retrieve your admin passcode.

Scenario 1: Lock is in the Factory Default State

When your Smart Door Lock is in the factory default state (i.e. after a factory reset), the admin passcode is 123456. This will be updated as soon you add the lock to your TTLock App.

Scenario 2: Lock is configured/added to the TTLock App

When the lock is added to the TTLock App, the admin passcode can be retrieved from the Bluetooth Administrator's account.

1. Open the TTLock App from Bluetooth Administrator's device and go to the Lock Dashboard
2. Go to 'Settings'

3. Tap 'Basics'

4. Tap 'Admin Passcode'

5. Here, you will be able to see the admin passcode for the lock.

Warning: If you have changed the Admin passcode directly from the Keypad of the smart lock (i.e. not using the TTLock), the Admin passcode shown here  can be different from the actual passcode. If this is the case, click the 'Unload Admin Passcode' button to sync the passcode from the Lock to the App (Note: Make sure you are within 3 meters of the lock when you are doing this)